Four moods of ecosystem design
Four moods of ecosystem design These are, of course, not mutally exclusive domains. They overlap and intertwine – especially 3 & 4, but also 3 & 4 with 1 & 2, and so forth. What all domains of ecosystem design…
Using fossils to bring a concrete river back to life
This article in the NY Times offers a fun, thought-provoking twist on the perennial question “how do you decide what condition to restore a site to?” It is mostly about work being done at the La Brea Tar Pits in…
Forests of the US Mapped
A lot a detailed information packed into this very cool map. You’ve frequently heard me say, “we live on the edge of the west.” You can really see that here, the western edge of the Ouachitas and Ozarks clearly the…
Design for free-range
Design cities for autonomous kids… Though I live rural now, my grade school years were spent in a good sized city. Just the other day my sister and I were reminiscing about how “free-range” we were then. Ride my bike…
Forming Minds
Did you know that Lincoln Logs were invented by Frank Lloyd Wright’s son, John? That’s just one small nugget gleaned from an amazing episode of the 99 Percent Invisible podcast, Inheriting Froebel’s Gifts (Ep. #492) that’s a must listen for…
Life Bubbles Forth
A recent study reported that some 40% of childless couples today were so, at least in part, because of climate change and not wanting to bring a child into the world they fear is coming. The number is so large…
Patterns of life in a changing world
Our world is changing. How shall we think about that? What tools of thought, of perspective, might help us think about and understand the changes we feel swirling around us? Climate is, of course, the big change, in natural systems…
Floating log ecosystems
Very interesting photos of floating log ecosystems at a small lake in Michigan.From @sponge_research, via Twitter: “Found these really neat free floating log ecosystems in one of the lakes we sample. Pitcher plants, sundews and other stuff. Lake was filled…
2021 Ecological Engineering Virtual Conference
Save the Date! 20th Annual Meeting of the American Ecological Engineering Society. More info at:
Sediments are an epic poem of earth history
Great Rachel Carson quote, via Kate Orff (@KateOrff Twitter): The sediments are a sort of epic poem of the earth. When we are wise enough, perhaps we can read in them all of past history. For all is written here.…